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  • Writer's pictureHusnain Farooq

30 Different Types of Huskies (With Pictures)

You may have heard of the Siberian Husky, but did you know that there are actually 30 different types of Husky dog breeds in existence?

While all of these dogs may look similar to one another, each has its own unique characteristics.

Furthermore, most of them have been bred over the years to perform a specific task or purpose. So, whether you are looking for a working dog or an elegant companion, there is likely to be a Husky breed that will suit your needs.

In this guide, you will discover everything you need to know about the different types of Huskies, including their history and origin, as well as their personality traits and physical appearances. Let’s get started!

The 30 Types of Husky Dog Breeds

Before you read further, note that the term “Husky” in this article refers to dog breeds that resemble wolves. This means that Siberian Husky mixes and other purebreds with a similar wolf-like appearance are included in the list below.

They also have matching traits in terms of agility and intelligence. However, these Husky types can differ in size, origin, and even purpose. For example, others were bred to hunt and pull sleds, while some were kept solely as pets.

With that settled, the following are some of the most popular Husky breeds in the United States and around the world:

1. Siberian Husky

At the top of this list is none other than the Siberian Husky.

Originally bred by the Chukchi people as sled dogs, Siberian Huskies have been used for thousands of years to pull heavy loads for transportation, hunting, and even in sled racing.

In terms of appearance, Siberian Huskies come in three distinct coat types: standard, plush, and wooly.

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), they can also sport various colorations like white, brown, black, or parti-color.

Moreover, these canines generally stand between 20 and 23.5 inches tall and weigh as much as 60 pounds. They are also predisposed to obesity, so fur parents must know how much to feed a Husky.

For first-time owners, however, this popular dog breed may not be the best choice. While the Siberian Husky is known for its intelligence, it often displays stubbornness and comes at an expensive cost.

2. Samoyed

With the Samoyed’s uncanny resemblance to the Siberian Husky, one might think they are the same breed.

However, if you look closely at their body structure and temperament, you will see that these pooches have many differences.

To begin with, Samoyeds possess a fluffier coat than their Siberian Husky counterparts. They can also reach a height ranging from 19 to 24 inches, and their weight can be between 35 and 65 pounds, depending on their gender.

Besides, the Samoyed only displays light-colored coats, including white, biscuit, cream, or a mixture of white and biscuit.

As for its history, the Samoyed dog breed was initially produced in Siberia by nomadic tribes as a sled dog during the 1800s. They were also used to herd reindeer in northern regions where temperatures can be harsh.

Today, this pricey breed remains a reliable companion dog for families who enjoy hiking and camping in cold climates.

3. Miniature Husky

If two runt Huskies are mated together, there is a high chance that a miniature Husky will be born. Note that this pup is not an entirely separate breed but a genetically smaller version of the average-sized Siberian Husky.

In general, a miniature Husky can reach a height between 13 and 16 inches and weigh approximately 35 pounds — which is still significantly larger than most breeds.

In fact, miniature Huskies are often mistaken for the Alaskan Klee Kai because they look so similar! But unlike them, mini Huskies have their own unique qualities.

First, these small dogs are typically less active and playful than other Husky types. Second, they tend to be more independent and reserved in nature. Finally, due to their size, they can easily fit into apartments and smaller homes.

However, aspiring owners should remember that miniature Huskies are not recognized by any major kennel club.

4. Chinook

Compared to other types of Huskies on this list, the Chinook is actually a relatively new breed. It has only been around since the 1920s, and it was created by crossing a Siberian Husky with a Farm Dog.

When fully grown, Chinook dogs have a maximum height of 26 inches, with a weight ranging from 50 to 90 pounds. They also come in many shades, such as fawn, tawny, and palomino.

Since they were regarded for their endurance and speed as sled dogs in New Hampshire, they’re now commonly used for search-and-rescue operations, herding purposes, and dog sports.

Despite these athletic assets, it’s important to note that this breed isn’t suited for everyone. The Chinook dog breed is known for its high prey drive and will require an owner who can provide proper training.

But if you’re looking for a reliable guard dog, this rare breed may fit the bill.

5. Labrador Husky

The Labrador Husky has a straightforward name, which might lead many people to assume that this dog is a cross between a Siberian Husky and a Labrador Retriever. However, this is not the case.

Surprisingly, there is really a particular breed called the Labrador Husky — it is just not very well-known.

Originally bred in Northern Canada for hunting purposes and pulling sleds, Labrador Huskies were developed to be strong, agile, and muscular dogs. They are a medium-sized breed that can weigh up to 100 pounds when fully grown.

Unfortunately, this makes them prone to developing hip dysplasia and many other health issues.

Furthermore, early socialization is necessary for Labrador Huskies because they naturally have a protective instinct.

So if you want to add this canine to your family and you already have other animals in your home, introduce them to each other gradually to avoid future conflicts.

6. Alaskan Husky

Unlike most Husky types, the Alaskan Husky does not have a specific breed standard. Instead, they are bred to be taller, more athletic, and stronger than their Siberian Husky counterparts.

Alaskan Huskies are also more active, making them difficult to live with if they don’t get enough exercise or mental stimulation. However, they can be trained with ease and will make excellent companions for outdoor activities.

Moreover, the modern Alaskan Husky is known for being friendly and playful but also protective of their family members. They are very observant and can sense danger from far away.

It is important to note, though, that Alaskan Huskies are prone to Alaskan Husky Encephalopathy (AHE), a degenerative disease of the central nervous system.

Having said that, an Alaskan Husky is still considered a sturdy dog with an average lifespan of 10 to 15 years.

7. Greenland Dog

Next on this list is another working dog from Siberia called the Greenland Dog.

Commonly mistaken as Canadian Eskimo Dogs, this breed is actually quite different from its northern cousin. The Greenland Dog is a medium-sized canine with a gentle temperament and strong hunting instincts.

These rare pooches carry thick double coats that can be black, gray, reddish, or brown in color, with white markings on their chest, face, and feet. They also have erect ears and a tail that loops over their back.

But what really sets the Greenland Dog apart from other breeds is its independent streak and territorial nature. If not socialized early on, barking problems may develop as the dog matures.

For this reason, they make ideal pets for owners who know how to handle this breed’s innate alpha tendencies.

If you want to see what a Greenland Dog looks like in action, watch this:

THE GREENLAND DOG - ARCTIC POWER HOUSE<a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="THE GREENLAND DOG - ARCTIC POWER HOUSE" width="1280" height="700" /><br />Watch this video on YouTube</a>

8. Alaskan Malamute

As one of the largest Husky breeds, the Alaskan Malamute can generally stand anywhere from 23 to 25 inches tall and weigh between 75 and 100 pounds.

According to the Alaskan Malamute Club of America (AMCA), Malamute Huskies often come in a solid white shade or a combination of white with any of the following colors: agouti, black, blue, gray, red, sable, seal, or silver.

In terms of their temperament, prospective owners can expect these dogs to be affectionate with their family members while being reserved around strangers or other dogs.

Because the Alaskan Malamute was also bred for pulling sleds in the snow-covered terrain of Alaska and Canada in the past, it is well-suited for active owners who enjoy activities like hiking, jogging, and dog sports.

However, while this gentle giant comes with a hefty price tag, it’s worth every penny if you are looking for a loyal companion.

9. American Eskimo Dog

Originating from Germany, American Eskimo Dogs were prized for their cleverness, high energy, and agility. They have been used as watchdogs throughout history and are known to be very devoted to their owners.

The AKC officially recognized this breed in 1994, but they were introduced to America by German immigrants as early as the mid-1900s.

Although they have a somewhat dainty appearance, these pups are tough and able to handle themselves outdoors or indoors. However, they are still regarded as friendly dogs by most canine enthusiasts.

The American Eskimo Dog, like the Samoyed dog breed, also sports a light-colored fur that includes white or a mixture of white and biscuit. This trait sometimes confuses people into thinking that they are the same breed.

While American Eskimo Dogs come in three different sizes — miniature, toy, and standard — it is worth noting that they are all still dwarfed by the massive Samoyeds.

10. Sakhalin Husky

Among all the different types of Huskies, the Sakhalin Husky is considered one of the rarest. This dog, bred for its sledding prowess, was a native to a remote island located between Japan and the far eastern end of Russia.

Sakhalin Huskies are a large-sized breed with a thick double coat that comes in many colors, including black, cream, white, gray, brown, and russet. A male dog usually weighs 77 pounds, while a female one only weighs 60 pounds.

In contrast to the Siberian Husky, which is known for its wolf-like face, the Sakhalin Husky has a more polar bear-like appearance.

Back in the 1990s, these rare pooches excelled in search and rescue missions due to their intelligence, high energy levels, and great endurance.

However, a research expedition accident caused their numbers to decline significantly until only two dogs remained.

These two, unfortunately, were also the last of their breed.

11. Alaskan Klee Kai

If you are looking for a pooch that looks like a mini version of the Siberian or Alaskan Husky breed, the Alaskan Klee Kai is right up your alley.

Developed in the late 20th century, an Alaskan Klee Kai is another spitz-type dog with three different size varieties: toy, miniature, and standard. The shortest variety is 13 inches at the shoulder, while the tallest is 16 inches.

In terms of these canines’ coat shade, their breed standard states that they should only come in three specific parti-colors as well. These include black and white, red and white, and gray and white.

All in all, the Alaskan Klee Kai is a good choice if you live in an apartment or condominium because they have relatively low energy levels compared to other Husky dogs; however, they do need proper exercise every day.

12. Agouti Husky

While the agouti Husky may seem like a new breed due to its exotic appearance, it is actually just another coat color variation of the average Siberian Husky. However, it is considered a rare shade.

Usually, this happens when a Husky puppy’s genetics do not allow the normal color pigmentation to develop in its fur. Instead, its hair turns out to be a lighter shade of brown or cream, with red highlights in certain areas.

This makes for a striking appearance when combined with the Husky’s bright eye colors.

Fortunately, even if agouti Huskies look rugged and intimidating, they are as gentle and loyal as any other Husky breed out there.

For more information on health issues, temperament, and puppy prices, check out our complete guide about the agouti Husky.

13. Norwegian Elkhound

The Norwegian Elkhound, also known as the Norsk Elghund Grå, is a dog breed that originated in Norway. Its height ranges from 19.5 to 20.5 inches, and it weighs between 48 and 55 pounds.

Norwegian Elkhounds have been around for centuries, with records dating back to the 1800s. They were initially used in hunting moose and elk, but they also served as watchdogs on farms and ranches.

Although they are regarded for their vigilant nature, these Norwegian Elkhounds are one of the most affectionate breeds once given consistent training and early socialization.

As one of the dogs of the north, though, they don’t tolerate hot weather well and should be kept in air-conditioned spaces during summer.

Furthermore, aspiring owners should consider if their home can accommodate this breed. They require ample space to run around and play, so a yard or nearby dog park might be necessary.

14. Swedish Vallhund

Another small-sized Husky breed that you need to know about is the Swedish Vallhund. This breed hails from Sweden and is known for its energetic temperament, vigilance, and agility.

As a descendant of the Vikings’ herding dogs, the Swedish Vallhund was bred to be able to herd cattle and sheep while also serving as an excellent watchdog.

At first glance, you might think that this is a mixed-breed dog, but it is a purebred with a long history that dates back to the 8th century.

But like other mentioned Husky dogs, Swedish Vallhunds are not suggested for first-time fur parents. This is because they require plenty of socialization, exercise, and obedience training to become excellent family pets.

Nevertheless, they have been gaining popularity in recent years thanks to their friendly disposition and cleverness. They can even be trained to perform tricks!

15. Utonagan

The Utonagan breed, which is also called the Northern Inuit Dog, is a result of crossing multiple working canines such as the Siberian Husky, German Shepherd, Alaskan Malamute, and five other unnamed breeds.

Since this is a designer dog, the American Kennel Club (AKC), United Kennel Club (UKC), and similar well-known clubs do not recognize it as an official breed.

Despite that, Utonogans are still popular among those who want larger dogs that are friendly, active, and loyal to their owners.

These pooches typically weigh between 55 and 110 pounds at maturity, with males slightly heavier than females. Furthermore, their thick fur may be white or black with brown markings on their face and legs.

Overall, if you’re looking for a dog that will be your best friend through thick and thin, the Northern Inuit Dogs can make wonderful companions.

16. White Husky

Due to its rarity, the white Husky is often mistaken as a different breed from Siberian Huskies.

However, like the agouti Husky, this is another color variation of the Siberian Husky and does not warrant a separate breed designation.

As a result, you can expect that white Huskies will feature the same traits as their bi-colored counterparts: a thick double coat, high levels of energy, and hardworking nature.

They will also need the exact care requirements as other Huskies, including high-quality food and dog treats, plenty of mental stimulation, regular exercise, and a cold climate.

But if you are interested in owning one of these white-colored canines, expect to pay more than you would for average ones. They are rare, and only 1 out of 100 Huskies have this coat shade.

To avoid confusion, though, keep in mind that white Siberian Huskies are also referred to as isabella Huskies.

17. American Akita

Let us now discuss one of the most sought-after Husky breeds, the American Akita.

For starters, this breed is known for its loyalty and protective nature. When you own an American Akita, you can rest assured that your pet will always be there to provide you with affection and a sense of security.

In addition, American Akitas are also quite intelligent and easy to train. Their intelligence makes them ideal for those looking for a companion that can learn new tricks quickly.

Moving on to their build, Akitas can generally stand between 24 and 28 inches at the shoulder and weigh as heavy as 130 pounds. However, this will still vary if you own a male or female Akita.

Even though it is uncommon, long-haired Akitas are surprisingly available in some countries. So, if you are looking for a more exotic pet, then this might be the dog for you!

18. Mackenzie River Husky

With its fancy name, you might think that the Mackenzie River Husky is just another rare breed of dog — but it is not. In reality, it is a term coined by some breeders to support fur traders during the Klondike Gold Rush.

Specifically, medium to large arctic-type breeds such as Siberian Huskies, Newfoundlands, St. Bernards, Mastiffs, and other types of Huskies included in this guide are all part of the said category.

Besides being freight canines, Mackenzie River Huskies are also used for hunting and protection by people living in cold climates like Alaska and Canada.

They are commonly used for herding livestock on farms and ranches as well.

Unfortunately, some opportunistic sellers still use the Mackenzie River Husky to lure buyers who are not familiar with sled dogs.

19. Keeshond

One of the fluffiest Husky dogs is the Keeshond. This breed originated in Holland and is known for its fox-like face and ability to withstand freezing weather conditions.

The Keeshond is a medium-sized pooch with a long, plush double coat that can be found in varied colorings, including gray, black, silver, and wolf gray. In fact, it is notable for having a spectacle-shaped marking around its eyes.

Regarding their overall disposition, Keeshonds are very outgoing, friendly dogs that love being around people and other animals; they do not like being left alone for long periods and are prone to separation anxiety.

Consequently, they are most suitable with fur parents who can provide lots of mental stimulation and daily walks or runs in the dog park.

In addition, Keeshonds can be stubborn and territorial, so consistent training sessions from an early age are required to keep them well-behaved.

20. Japanese Akita Inu

Although the Akita Inu and the previously mentioned American Akita are both variants of the same breed, they still have some notable differences.

For instance, Akita Inus originated from northern Japan and were originally bred to hunt bears. They are classified as working dogs and are known for their loyalty and keen sense of hearing.

Moreover, these dogs are also shorter and lighter than fully grown American Akitas, with a height range of 24 to 26 inches tall and a weight range between 65 and 120 pounds.

Despite these slightly contrasting features, both variants share similar characteristics, such as the muscular build, almond-shaped eyes, and fluffy double coat that comes in various colors like red, white, fawn, or brown.

The Akita Inu and the American Akita also have the same life expectancy, which ranges from 10 to 13 years.

21. Canadian Eskimo Dog

As an ancient sled dog in the Canadian arctic, the Canadian Eskimo Dog is a hardy, dependable, and intelligent companion. This medium-sized pooch sports a thick coat that keeps it warm in frigid temperatures.

While there were almost 20,000 Canadian Eskimo Dogs in the 1920s, their numbers dwindled when the snowmobile was introduced in 1936.

This invention made it easier for Inuits to travel and hunt, thus reducing the need for sled dogs. In addition, the government banned their use as working dogs due to temperament and health concerns.

Fortunately, the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) recognized this breed’s importance and saved it from extinction.

They took steps to reestablish the Canadian Eskimo Dog’s role in northern communities by training them for therapy work, dog sports, and search and rescue operations.

Though this breed’s population is still relatively small, it’s slowly gaining popularity as more people discover its exceptional characteristics.

22. Icelandic Sheepdog

Now, let us go over to one of the rare spitz-type breeds called the Icelandic Sheepdog.

In the 10th century, this breed was used to herd sheep and other farm animals in Iceland. It is built for endurance, with a double coat that can withstand the harsh winters in the mentioned region.

These dogs are also known for their high energy levels, which makes them great companions for active individuals. They are robust and agile dogs capable of playing fetch like no other breed on earth!

However, the Icelandic Sheepdog may not be ideal for first-time pet owners since it needs lots of attention and exercise. They get easily bored, and if not given adequate stimulation, they can develop destructive behavior.

Nonetheless, with the help of proper training and socialization at a young age, an Icelandic Sheepdog can be an excellent family pet.

23. Pomeranian Husky

One of the few mixed-breed dogs included in this list is the Pomeranian Husky or the Pomsky. As its name suggests, it’s a cross between two Arctic-type breeds, the Pomeranian and Siberian Husky.

This crossbreed is becoming popular due to its adorable appearance, which combines the Pom’s fluffiness and the compact body of a Husky. Its height ranges from 10 to 15 inches and weighs as much as 30 pounds.

Generally speaking, Pomeranian Huskies are easygoing dogs that get along well with other pets, kids, and even strangers. They’re very playful and full of energy, but they can also be somewhat stubborn at times.

Meanwhile, if you want a pup that is twice as small as the average one, you can get a teacup-sized Pomsky. However, most breeders have to use artificial insemination to achieve this micro-sized dog.

Overall, aspiring owners should save up as Pomskies are often expensive.

24. Hug Dog

With the Hug mix’s adorable name, one might think this dog is all about cuddles. Well, it is true! Hugs are the result of combining the low-key Pug with the highly energetic Siberian Husky.

Despite their parent breeds’ contrasting personalities, these dogs are just as sweet as their namesake. They are small but mighty, with a playful and lively disposition that makes them a perfect companion for an active person.

Depending on which genes are more dominant, a Hug may display characteristics of either parent.

For example, if the Pug’s genes are more pronounced, the resulting dog will inherit the said parent’s iconic short nose. Meanwhile, if the Husky genes win out, it will have longer legs and a thick double coat.

While there is no exact way to predict which traits a Hug dog will exhibit, it is worth noting that this crossbreed makes for a good family pet.

25. Yakutian Laika

If you are searching for a fluffier version of the Siberian Husky, meet the newly discovered breed, the Yakutian Laika. It is worth noting, however, that this dog has been around for hundreds of years in Russia.

Yakutian Laikas typically stand anywhere from 21 to 23 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 40 and 55 pounds. They can live up to 12 years and are beautiful dogs with double coats that vary in color from white to black.

As for their temperament, these pooches have a lot in common with other northern breeds. They are hyperactive, very clever, and affectionate. However, they require tons of physical and mental stimulation.

A Yakutian Laika does not appreciate being left alone for long periods as well. In fact, this dog may resort to excessive barking and destructive behavior if it is bored or neglected.

26. German Spitz

As one of the ancient breeds from Europe, the German Spitz can trace its lineage back to the Viking Age.

They are believed to be a descendant of the Samoyed and Malamute, which were both used by nomadic people in Siberia as pack dogs.

Regarding this breed’s size and weight, they come in three varieties: toy, miniature, and standard.

The smallest variety can stand up to 12 inches tall, with a weight range of 10 to 11 pounds. The standard-sized or the largest, on the other hand, grows up to 20 inches tall and weighs between 20 and 50 pounds.

Furthermore, the German Spitz can come in many distinct colors, including orange, wolf gray, brown, white, and black.

For potential fur parents, bear in mind that this breed has a lively demeanor and will require regular exercise to thrive.

27. Tamaskan Dog

Like the Utonagan breed, Tamaskan Dogs are hybrids with German Shepherd and Siberian Husky genes.

They were first developed in the 1980s to create a pup that will embody the intelligence and hardworking spirit of its parent breeds.

Usually, Tamaskan Dogs are medium-sized with thick double coats that come in mixed colors and markings. They have broad skulls and pointed muzzles and are often compared to wolves.

As mixed breeds, these dogs are not recognized by most major kennel clubs in the United States.

Since both of its ancestors are also known for their high prey drive, you can expect the Tamaskan to be very protective of its family. This means early socialization and obedience training are necessary to avoid future troubles.

28. Shikoku Dog

At first glance, you might assume that the Shikoku Dog is a result of combining Akitas and Siberian Huskies. However, it is actually a purebred highly treasured by Japanese hunters in the 17th century.

Also named as Kochi-Ken or Mikawa Inu, this dog was initially used for tracking wild boars and bears. It has become a popular family companion due to its pleasant demeanor, cleverness, and loyalty.

Shikoku Dogs, in general, can reach a height of about 22 inches at the shoulder and weigh as much as 55 pounds.

They also possess a short, double coat, pointy ears, and a tail that curls over their backs.

With their well-developed muscles and compact bodies, there is no doubt that they are capable of pulling heavy loads with ease. This makes them perfect for working as guide dogs, rescue dogs, and other similar roles.

29. Norrbottenspets

Originating from Sweden, the Norrbottenspets is a dog known for being attentive and kind-natured. It has been around since the 1700s and was prized for its herding skills.

Aside from working on farms and ranches, the Norrbottenspets breed is also a dependable hunting companion.

It has an excellent sense of smell and strong prey drive, which makes it ideal for chasing down small game like rabbits, squirrels, and birds.

In recent years, Norrbottenspets dogs have been recognized as one of the best breeds to keep around children because of their gentle behavior. They are also agile and playful, making them great companions for outdoor activities.

With regards to appearance, their fur is short yet dense, giving them a thick coat that is easy to maintain even during shedding seasons.

However, note that these dogs are not hypoallergenic and can trigger people with sensitive skin.

30. Japanese Spitz

Last on this list of types of Huskies is the small-sized breed known as the Japanese Spitz.

This dog was developed in Japan in the 1920s, specifically for companionship. Moreover, it only comes in a white color coat and is famous for its always smiling face.

When fully grown, the Japanese Spitz can stand between 12 and 15 inches tall and weigh from 10 to 25 pounds. This makes it a great choice if you are looking for a small Husky dog that you can bring around with you.

In addition, these regal-looking canines are recommended for apartment dwellers as well. They are quieter than most breeds and enjoy the company of their owners without being too rowdy.

If you currently own a Japanese Spitz puppy and want it to compete in AKC-sanctioned shows, you’re in luck. In general, this breed is highly trainable and adaptive.

Places to Find Husky Breeds for Sale and Adoption

In reality, finding different types of Husky breeds for sale and adoption can be a difficult task. While the internet offers a lot of information about these Husky dogs, it is not always easy to find a seller that cares for your specific needs.

Moreover, puppy mills and backyard breeders are still very much in operation, and they’re breeding Huskies with no regard for their health or well-being. This means that you need to do in-depth research before choosing your breeder.

Fortunately, there are reputable breeders who want nothing more than to provide you with the best possible dog.

To help you get started in your search for Husky puppies, here are some kennels that offer Husky breeds for sale:

  1. Husky Palace – Founded in 2005, Husky Palace is committed to producing high-quality pure breed Siberian Huskies. Also, when you buy a puppy from this AKC-certified breeder, you’ll get a free microchip implant, pet insurance, lifetime support, and health guarantees. Visit their website to see their available standard, plush, and wooly coat Siberian Huskies.

  2. Arctic Samoyeds – Arctic Samoyeds kennel takes pride in selling socialized, partially housetrained, dewormed, and microchipped Samoyed puppies. They also ensure that their sires and dams have all of the necessary health clearances and are from outstanding bloodlines. If you want to buy a Husky pup from this breeder, you have to fill out a puppy application form that can be found on their site.

  3. Sondaisa Akitas – Another AKC-certified breeder that you should look into is Sondaisa Akitas. They offer American Akita and Akita Inu puppies that are both bred for the show ring and companionship. Go to their website for more information about how to get one of these fluffy creatures.

In addition, you can also check out our list of the best Samoyed, Akita, Alaskan Malamute, and Siberian Husky breeders. They have all been vetted by our team of researchers and have met our rigorous standards for quality.

However, if you have discovered a breeder that is not included in any of the mentioned directories, reading our puppy buying guide is necessary to make sure that you will get a healthy Husky puppy.

Rather than buying, aspiring dog owners can choose to adopt their preferred type of Husky breed from the following shelters and rescue organizations:

  1. Husky Education and Rescue Team, Inc. (HEART) – Focused on rescuing neglected Siberian Huskies and other Husky breeds from New Jersey to Georgia, HEART is a non-profit organization that relies solely on donations and volunteers. If you are aiming for Husky mixes like a Samusky, Pitsky, or Pomeranian Huskies, then this is the place to go.

  2. Forever Husky – Forever Husky is another non-profit organization passionate about saving Husky dogs from abuse, abandonment, and euthanasia. They are also dedicated to educating the public about the Siberian Husky breed and promoting responsible pet ownership. To see their adoptable Huskies, check out their website.

  3. Petfinder – Petfinder is a good resource for locating different types of Husky dogs. From mixed breed to purebred, as well as mini Huskies to big ones, you’re sure to find your match at this adoption site. In fact, they are connected to almost 11,000 rescues and shelters across the country.

Besides these places, you can also use our directory of the best Siberian Husky rescues and shelters in the United States.

Likewise, you may find our ultimate adoption guide helpful in learning how to prepare for this lengthy and often daunting process.

But if you are having trouble locating Husky puppies in the sources above, don’t worry. Our compilation of 13 ways to find free puppies in your area for adoption is here to assist you as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Rarest Breed of Husky?

Also called the Karafuto-Ken, the rarest breed of Husky is the Sakhalin Husky. Unfortunately, this once-famous sled dog on the island of Sakhalin in Russia is now extinct.

Sakhalin Huskies were valued for their strength and endurance. Thanks to their thick fur, they were able to withstand harsh weather conditions like Siberian Huskies.

In the past, this type of Husky dog was also known for pulling wagons and traveling long distances without getting tired.

What Is the Biggest Husky Breed?

Without a doubt, the Alaskan Malamute is the biggest Husky breed. While all Husky types are bred for their perseverance and ability to pull sleds, this gentle giant is particularly well-suited for this task.

As stated earlier, Alaskan Malamutes can stand anywhere from 23 to 25 inches tall and weigh between 75 and 85 pounds, with some reaching over 100 pounds.

Thus, this characteristic makes them perfect for dragging heavy loads over long distances. This also makes them popular among people who enjoy sled dog racing or other winter sports.

How Do I Know What Kind of Husky I Have?

If purchased from a responsible breeder, it is easy to tell what kind of Husky you have. As a rule, dog breeders are happy to provide potential owners with information about their pups’ history, lineage, temperament, and qualities.

They may even provide paperwork that includes the parents’ health records and pictures, along with the pup’s genetic background and other essential data concerning its pedigree.

However, if you got your Husky from a shelter or rescue organization, it might be challenging to determine its exact breed. In most cases, DNA testing is the best way to determine what breed your Husky dog is.

What Is the Best Husky Breed?

When it comes to identifying the best Husky breed, there are many factors for you to consider, including your lifestyle, finances, and living conditions.

For first-time fur parents, the American Eskimo Dog is an excellent option. Among all the Husky types discussed above, this dog breed often displays an even temperament and is highly trainable.

Meanwhile, the Alaskan Klee Kai and the Greenland Dog are best for busy individuals. However, if you are allergic to dog dander, it is strongly recommended to avoid Husky breeds altogether.

Final Thoughts

Even though the Siberian Husky is the only Husky breed recognized by the American Kennel Club, many other dogs fit the description of this category, especially in terms of their physical characteristics.

In addition, many of these Husky types share personality traits with the Siberian Husky: they are all energetic, playful, and sometimes stubborn. They also do well in extreme cold weather conditions and need tons of exercise.

And while these dogs are not suitable for everyone, they make excellent pets for people and families who enjoy dog sports, such as sledding and agility competitions.

So, do you have what it takes to own a Husky? Let us know in the comments below which among the 30 different types of Husky dog breeds is your favorite!

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